Employer and Corporate Partners

COOP’s program is free for our participants. We admit 1000+ fellows nationwide each cohort (one each in spring and fall) and look to expand our reach every year.

Our partners play an important role in our mission of overcoming underemployment. 

COOP offers a number of ways that you can engage with our community. Contact us to learn more.

Hire a Fellow

Corporate partner learning how to support COOP's efforts while also benefiting from the relationship. Diverse, motivated COOP candidates ready for job market. Supported by dedicated community. COOP aids employers with recruitment - referrals, events.

COOP candidates are diverse, motivated, and prepared to enter the job market and are supported by a community of individuals dedicated to their career success. 

From direct referrals to customized recruiting events, COOP supports a wide range of employers with their talent recruitment needs.

If you are looking to hire entry to mid-level Business Development, Data, Financial Services of Marketing talent, please let us know by filling out this form.


An image featuring representing various mentoring and volunteer activities for corporate partners of COOP.. The image reflects COOP's commitment to mentorship and community engagement for career development.

At COOP, we believe in the power of mentorship and guidance. We seek individuals who have a passion to advise those just beginning their careers and have a plethora of ways volunteers can support our community as an individual or with a team, including:

  • Mock Interviews

  • Career Panel Discussions

  • Technical Workshops

  • Open Houses

  • Employer-Sponsored Project Based Learning

Interested in getting involved? Get in touch!

Support our mission

The image illustrates COOP's mission to bridge the social capital and wage gap for a diverse group of underemployed first-generation college graduates through corporate partnerships and collaboration.

COOP's corporate partners play a crucial role in helping COOP close the social capital and wage gap for underemployed and underrepresented college graduates.

The support we receive from our funders and partners combined with the work and commitment of our staff, have empowered us to help over 5,000 underemployed, first-generation college graduates gain the skills and network they need for the careers they deserve.

We are on a mission to serve 10,000 alumni by 2025 and look to corporate sponsors to help us achieve our goal.

Featured Partners